CrossFit aims to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness program.

CrossFit workouts consist of functional movements that you would typically perform in your normal everyday life, (such as lifting, squatting, jumping and carrying) these movements and the intensity of the workouts are constantly varied.

Walking into a gym alone can be intimidating, but here at the CFK, classes are run in a community setting. You will be greeted by a family-like atmosphere that is encouraging and friendly, our members will help you to get settled in and our foundational course will help you become acclimatised.

CrossFit is designed to fit everyone’s ability level. Each day, there is a prescribed workout to complete. Everyone in the gym completes the same workout, with movements scaled based on an individuals ability and strength - its never too late to start.

No one body is the same. That is why our coaches are here to help. Every workout can be scaled to suit individual experience levels, so that it remains challenging but not unattainable. Our coaches are well-trained and will provide proper coaching and guidance to ensure a safe but challenging workout.